- What is newsworthiness?
- Newsworthiness is all about the quality of a story line in order for it to be reported in a newspaper. It has to be interesting to audiences, and look appealing. The link below is an example of a local newspaper, that carries a newsworthiness headline and story.
- What is a local newspaper?
A local newspaper is a paper that is published within a area which is local to their audiences. A local newspaper can cover a whole city, or a town. They tend to cover local news and information within an area that will be interesting and useful for audiences from there.
For example, a local news paper for myself is The News. This paper covers the whole of Portsmouth, so news will always be varied and different as it publishes new events weekly.
There are also local Newspapers that cover a whole county. For example, The Daily Echo covers news from the whole of the south. This creates a wider audience and gives more wider range of stories and information.
- Find some background info about The News.
I looked up some main areas where my local News paper covers. I wanted to know where The News sells. This is very important as i can understand how broad their audiences are, How broad their story lines are considering they cover a wide area to pick up story lines from, and how they make their paper appeal to readers.
The News covers the following areas:
- Portsmouth
- Southsea
- Fareham
- Meon
- Gosport
- Havant
- Waterlooville
- East Hampshire
- West Sussex
- What is The News audience?
The News has a very wide and varied audience. Reaching out to all readers across Portsmouth, the readers would usually include the likes of young adults, middle aged adults, parents and old ages pensioners. But as The News caters for such varied locations, their story lines are always different and unique as they have such a wide choice to talk about in the papers. These story lines will differ, meaning that their audiences will always be different each week depending on the story lines that appeal to them. For Example, Parents may find this headline interesting to them as it is about education which may affect their children's schooling.
- How many editions does it sell?
The News is a daily paper. This is because were they have such wide locations to talk about, different stories are constantly happening therefore to be placed in the newspaper. Lots of important story lines are placed in these daily, as well as Jobs Today, Property Today, Motors Today, Local Pages Today and Sport Today. These pages are updated each day, therefore it is The News job to inform the people in the Portsmouth area of these daily. This also increases paper sales as different papers are produced daily, different audiences and readers will buy The News daily which is an extra advantage.

- What is The News ABC's?
The circulation is 51, 647
- What is Human Interest?
Human interest is a major factor within newspaper production. A national newspaper will give an example of a general problem to do with the whole country, for example the economic problems of today. Where as a local newspaper for example will discuss the economic problems in Portsmouth, then back it up with an example from a persons life where they have been effected by the economic problems themselves. Another example ...
- What is Ethos?
Ethos is the meaning of culture and beliefs from different points of view. So newspapers from different areas of the country will have particular ethos about certain things. For example, The News show their ethos by this story line:
This shows that the Portsmouth News believe that job cuts in the public sector is important and they believe against it, this being their Ethos.
Another example is from Southampton's local newspaper, The Daily Echo.
Reckless teen ‘hit 100mph’ in fatal last drive, The ethos here is reflected through the language of the headline "Reckless teen" and "Fatal" shows that the Daily Echo find this story line is important to publish as it proves a warning for young teenagers to not be racing and for this to stop in general. This adds emphasis via the language used to grab readers attention.
- What is the "Inverted Triangle"?
The phrase the "inverted triangle" is commonly used by journalists, this is where journalists they place the most important information first out of the article. For example, this story line presents the inverted triangle theory.
This sentence shows clearly what is important, this is what journalists want to display first as readers will read this first and will lead them to read on more as it causes a emotional reaction.
The article continues, the second opening paragraph:
"Aiden Measures is too afraid to play in Buckland Park, off Malins Road, Buckland, alone, after the tiny tearaway set upon him there"
The third opening paragraph states:
Now police have released an e-fit, pictured on the front page, of their suspect - believed to be aged nine or 10 and one of the youngest ever - in the hope of bringing him to justice.
This is a dramatic and creative opening that creates this horrific story opening to what happened to this boy. This is a tactic to make readers continue reading and is all apart of the inverted triangle rule. Journalists place emphasis on these segments of the article, for example " The youngest ever" and "Tiny tearaway set upon him there" as this makes the story line more powerful and will shock readers more.
In contrast to this, important information is not always placed at the beginning of the article.
This is vital information but the reasons of its structure placement in the article is because this information isn't directly linked to the juicy story line information. Readers will want to read into what has happened before being told to contact police if they have information.
From learning and researching articles to display the use of the inverted triangle method, has taught me the dynamics of reaching out to audiences to get them involved in the story line. I have researched how journalists structure these methods of writing, therefore i can try these out in my own work.
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