Today i am beginning to make my newspaper. Already i have uploaded a few pictures i am considering using. To base the layout of my newspaper, i need to draw a layoutof my paper on a piece of A4 paper. I am researching different newspapers whichhave different styles, for example The News and Petersfield Post.

After looking at this news paper, I felt this was not the sort of paper i would base my own on. The text on the page looks to much for readers, and looking less appealing. I would base my front cover more on different headlines of stories and pictures. for example, like The News paper:

This is the sort of style and layout i am aiming for with my paper
. I like this be
cause the title of the paper is big and bold, along with the headlines. This really stands out to readers and looks more appealing to read. This also encourages readers to buy the paper to read more about all the stories included.
From looking and analysing these papers, has also helped me decide on a title for my paper. I am going to call mine The Gosport Gazette as this sounds catchy and the use of alliteration makes it sound interesting.
I have drawn a layout of what i want to base my paper on: this is it!

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