As i am soon approaching making the inside of the news paper i need to consider some vital elements.
I have selected pictures and played around with them in my previous post, so i now know what pictures i am using and what the story is going to be.
First i am going to consider some headlines for this story. The story is about a group of teenagers raising money for a charity. Some possible headlines could be:
- Youths raise £800 for wildlife charity
- Teens take the lead in fundraising event
- A WILD event
I have chose "A WILD event" as my story headline because the actual event i took part in was called "WILD" so i felt this was a nice way of introducing the event and would flow well with the main story text.
I have drawn a layout of what i plan to basemy insider paper on.
This is just a guide, but it shows my intentions of my newspaper. I plan to include at least 3 stories, including images.
By next lesson, i am going to have written my articleout by hand as a way of drafting and playing around with how i am going to write the story. So then when next lesson comes i can type up the text, and start introducing other stories to my paper.
I have started to write my article for this storyline, this is some ideas i have come up with so far:
A compassionate group of students from South Downs College created a fundraising event on 18th December, all in aid to raise money and awareness for Care for the Wild International charity. The charity are against badly treated animals in Africa, as they are killed violently, kept in bad conditions and treated disgracefully. This group of students felt strongly when they heard how these animals were being treated in these parts of theworld, and wanted to make a change.
“The situation came about when we were sat inour Travel and Tourism lecture at college. Our lecturer said how he was passed down this charity from his father and how he now owns it. Myself and 5 other students felt very passionate about what he was saying and the stories he was telling us about these animals. So me and my friends spoke to him, asking how we could help” said Josie Marks, aged 17 who came up with the idea to make a fundraiser.
The students got together in lesson time, breaks and around college to organise the event. With the help of their lecturer and a few other students who felt the same, they all had a role to participate in whenmaking the event. Many of the students in the team also study media at college, so it was to their advantage when making posters, tickets and leaflets.
Hannah Mason aged 18 was part of the team,and told Gosport Gazette how she felt about the fundraiser. “It was really exciting to do this event! I had fun making the posters and tickets and having something towork towards. We gave ourselves a target of money we could raise for the charity. We aimed high and chose thetarget of £1000. This made us work hard as we all wanted to achieve it.”
Time quickly came to the inspiring and quick working students when the day of the event happened. They had arranged stalls selling official CWI merchandise, given to them with the help of their lecturer Richard Gridley. Two of the team members had made cakes, cookies and bought sweets to sell on the stalls. They hadsold tickets to friends and families for the event and they all came on the night of the event.
Dance acts and live music bands were the entertainment in the associated evening event. They were extremely popular with the customers that came as they all crowded round and a roar of applauses filled the room when they finished.
The event was a huge success, and the students and lecturer were extremely pleased. In total the group had raised a staggering £800 for the charity. As Gosport Gazette found the time to speak to the students lecturer Mr Griddley, he said:
"The students did a marvelous job raising this amount of money. This money will be a huge help to the charity, and cannot thank the students enough for their compassion, time and help."
I showed this article to my lecturer and together we came up with some ideas that would make this piece better:
- Dont use the same word more than once
- Say the peoples names first then let their quote follow after as this introduces the story better.
- Talk about things that happened in the event what are shown in the pictures.
- Explain the charity more regardingthe animals and how they are treated.
I am going to re write my article including these points to make it more realistic.
For now i have used this article i've written so far and copy and pasted it in to my news paper. I sorted it in to columns and smaller texts to see how the layout will fit and if it would look good. This is what it looks like so far:

I like the look of the text in the columns and font size. The layout looks realistic and still has space on the sides for other story lines and images. The only problem is that it didn't fit all of the story in the columns, there fore i have to cut itdown. I will have to cut down on about 3 paragraphs, so i am going to have to see whats good and important to have in the article and whats not.
Today i have focused on the edges around my inside newspaper. Fromlooking at other local newspapers, they used weather forecast information. I felt this would work well with mine, and gave me the opportunity to insert aspects of colour to liven up the page.
This is what it looks like so far:
This is what i have done for the left hand column on my news paper. I am really pleased with how it is looking. It looks realistic as i researched other news papers to look at style and type of information they place on this side. I had to change the font to make it have a newspaper style and make the text smaller, so it looked in porportion to my main storyline text. I researched the weather icons online, again this added a professional finish.
I decided to focus on the side columns in my newspaper rather than editing the main story line because i can spend more college time focusing onthis, and can rewrite the story lines at home.
Today- 3/02/2011. I had to spend my lesson re-doing the weather column i had done last week as half of it didn't save! annoying! I have now redone it which should save correctly this time.
10/2/2011- Today i have started to re-write my article. using the bullet points i made in previous lessons i have made improvements. This is the article i have made adjustments to.
A compassionate group of students from South Downs College created a fundraising event on 18th December, all in aid to raise money and awareness for Care for theWild International charity. The charity appeals against badly treated animals in Africa, as they are killed violently, kept in bad conditions and treated disgracefully. This group of students felt strongly when they heard how these animals were being treated in these parts of the world, and wanted to make a change.
Josie Marks, ages 17 who came up with the idea said, “The situation came about when we were sat in our Travel and Tourism lecture at college. Our lecturer said how he was passed down this charity from his father and how he now owns it. Myself and 5 other students felt very passionate about what he was saying and the stories he was telling us about these poor animals. So me and my friends spoke to him, asking how we could help the wildlife in Africa”
The students got together in lesson time, breaksandaround college to organise the event. With the help of their lecturer, they all had a role to participate in when making the event. Many of the students in the team also take media at college, so it was to their advantage when making posters, tickets and leaflets.
Hannah Mason aged 18 was part of the team, and told Gosport Gazettehow she felt about the fundraiser. “It was really exciting to do this event! I had fun making the posters and tickets and having something to work towards. We gave ourselves a target of money we could raise for the charity. We aimed high and chose the target of £1000. This made us work hard as we all wanted to achieve it.”
After the fundraising event, a successful £800 was raised. All the students were ecstatic about the results, although not getting the target this money will still make a massive difference to the animals. This will help CWI stop the use of snares in Kenya that kill thousands of wild animals a year, help stop poaching and help towards elephant protection work. Richard Gridley the students lecture said “ This is a phenomenal success from a small group of students, their hard work and caring minds will help save thousands of animals yearly”
If you would like to find out more information about Care for the Wild International visit
This is the article i've written up in Indesign as part of my inside paper.

from this i am going to decide how i want the text to be laid out in my paper, i am going to play around with different paragraphing styles to see what will look best on the page and wont make the paragraphing any longer.
Today i uploaded more pictures that i had taken for my news paper. I uploaded an image from New York city which i used as part of a prize to be won for readers. I also uploaded a picture i had taken of a protest march. This picture i used as part of a small article down the right side of my paper. The article is small and brief but I wrote underneath "To read more go to page 11.." This is so it gives the realism of an actual news paper as looking through papers they all do this. This story fitted well within my paper, the sizing ofit looks small compared to other columns on my page so i might have to have a play around with making it look as even. It doesn't look bad, but just to make it look more professional i think it would benefit it.
When i first uploaded the image of New york city what i had taken when i visited the city, I knew i was going to use it as part of a prize to be one for local people. News papers use prizes and competitions to involve the readers so I thought using this in mypaper would work well. I thought that New York was a good prize to be won as it is a famous city and is seen as an expensive trip. New York i felt gave the "Wow" factor so i thought this would look professional and realistic. When i first uploaded the picture my intentions were to have it running across the top of my inside page. But after playing around it wasproven difficult as i already had too much on the page. So i looked at my front cover, I had plenty of room to place this at the top. I had to move my page down to give more space for the picture and information on the prize.

These are the two images i used n my work today. For both of them i had to upload them to photoshop to make them brighter and work on the contrast of the images as originally they were very dark. I like this image of New york because of the traditional taxi. I like the protest picture as it looks realistic to my story as you can see what the banners say, "No Cuts". I had to crop and resize both of these images to make the most possible of them. Cropping out any wasted space on the image to make them look enhanced and clearer.
I thought of what colour background to use for this competition prize. The first colours came to me were red white and blue as these are what we associate with America. This would give a professional look and were good connotations of the USA and what my competition was related too. This is what i created:

From using the gradient tool on In design i was able to create this back ground for my banner. I like the use of the blue and red and how it fades to white slightly in the middle. This stands out on my front cover page and will be good to get attention. The image of New York placed on the top as well as the information on the prize makes it look appropriate as the image and colours relate to the subject.
The text i used to describe the trip to New York i used words such as "The big apple" this is what New york is known as therefore the lingo makes the trip sound more exciting.
This is what my final page looks like for my front cover.
As you can see the banner representing the trip to New York stands out. The white text compliments the red and blue back ground well. The image of New york with the trade mark yellow taxis and big buildings in the back ground i felt identified the destination well as it is these trade marks that make it so recognizable.
Today I completed my paper! I wrote the final story and added the picture to go with it. This was the article that fitted on the column on the right hand side. I am pleased with the way it looks and wording of the story. It feels good to have completed my inside paper and now i have to create a poster and web page for my news paper company. I will do this in tomorrows lesson. This is what my final news paper looks like: