I am currently happy with my front cover of my news paper. Therefore i am making a start on some pictures for possible stories for the inside of the paper. I took part in a fundraising event to raise money for a animal welfare charity. I took pictures of our stalls and selling merchandise to our customers. I felt this would be a good story for my paper, a story about a group of teenagers putting on a charity event. But before going in to detail about what the story is going to be about, i am first going to adjust and crop some pictures i can possibly use.

This is one original picture, with a cropped version next to it.

The picture on the left is the un-cropped version of the picture, with the cropped picture on the right. i have cropped the space at the top, getting rid of the ceiling area. I have cropped the far right sides so the people in the image is the main focus. Also by cropping this image has made the animal poster stand out and looks bigger. I really like this image! It shows the big poster of the charity, showing what its about but also what is good is that it shows the customers and event workers selling and purchasing merchandise, showing interactiveness and sets a nice atmosphere and tone for a story line.
My second picture, which is similar:

With this picture, i like it but i don't think it is as beneficial as the first picture i uploaded. I cropped a lot of the ceiling, floor space and sides. This picture shows a good angle of the poster and the team working on the event, but there is also a girl walking away from the stalls towards the camera. I feel this gives a negative vibe so i don't think i will use this image, despite their being a woman in the picture purchasing and browsing the items.
Third picture what is possible i will use in my newspaper:

I like this picture as it shows a close up of people, getting involved in the event. This is a happy and positive picture, it creates a tone for the story line as they are smiling. They are presenting an impressive body shop prize what also gives good interaction and positive feedback to customers reading the article. I think i'm going to use this image, i have cropped a lot out of the top, bottom and sides of the picture which gives more emphasis on the people and prize. I have discussed with my lecturer about using this image as part of a completely different story. I dont want to have too many pictures on just one story line, and as i like this one so much i think i could make a raffle prize story line from it.
So, so far in the planning for my inside page i have selected 2 definite pictures for the story line. they both include people and i like the story behind it. It is positive, happy and i think would be attractive to readers as it is about a good cause, doing good work for a charity event.
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