I am going to upload these voice recordings in this blog now, so you have my answers to these evaluation questions. The reasons because of this is that originally the files format didn't work on the slide share presentation, I have now converted these files to WAV format, which is a more common format.
I have now after many attemps and surfing several websites which allows my amr files to be played on that site, and then take that link to upload on my blog, i have finally achieved this. Please click on the box.net link under each question to hear the answers for question 2 and question 3. As you will see, you can read along to my voice recording as i have copied and pasted each answer on this blog so all information given is clear. I am thankful to have finally found a way round of listening to my voice recording on this blog, and i hope you enjoy my evalauation.Media evaluation question 2
My news paper, website and poster have several links between the 3.
· Firstly the front cover story of my news paper is also on my website, as these media forms have the same dates i felt that to be most realistic is to share same dates and stories. Not everyone buys news paper but looks online instead, so it is important the stories are on both forms so readers can gain all information.
· The main article in my inside paper can also be found on the website which i felt was important again for the same reasons i just stated.
· I used weather icons in my inside page as well on the website which share similar information
· On my website there is a story about Paris, i didn’t write this article but if i did i would have made references to a competition to Paris that could have been won. This is what i did my poster on so the links shared here is that i made it clear about an article that can be read about Paris on the site where my poster can be refered too.
· On my website i also advertise a subscription to Gosport Gazette and on this page i placed a jpeg image of the front cover of my news paper on the website. This is a strong link, what influences readers to read online as well as buy the papers. This is realistic as i used the “This week” front page of the Gosport Gazette news.
· On my poster i state to find out more about this offer, is to either buy Gosport Gazette or go to www. Gosportgazette.co.uk to find out more information on the prize. Mentioning both the paper and the website is important when linking the three together.
· and finally on my website on the second page i used an advertisement of the euro star and underneath advertised great deals to Paris, this is where my poster has a significant link between my site and poster.
What else do they share?
Title: the same title makes the company recognisable for readers. Especially being a local paper.
Colour: same colour variety on news paper and website. Blues/ whites/ reds used again makes it recogniseable and easy to read. The poster was different because of its subject matter. Offering a trip to Paris i used soft pinks and whites in fancy writing as it is advertising a romantic trip to paris. I still used the same title of colour and font but change the writing and colour for everything else.
Images: i used the same images in some areas just because it makes the links clear between the 3 media forms. I used a variety of others, for example i used images on my website that i hadn’t used on my news papers mainly because of the different stories i had created. It was good to use the same images i had used in my website and news paper but also good to have a lot of pictures that are different in each 3 forms.
Style: i think there is a recognisable style between my paper and website. On the inside paper on the left hand side i have used that side for weather information and on the second page of my website i have used the left hand side for advertisements and information so this shows similarities.
The style of fonts are similar in my paper and site, the only difference in fonts is on my poster and that is because of its subject and genre.
The style of how i have placed images shows links between the 3 forms as i have used similar styles of how i have placed the images. The front page of my news paper, the image there takes up the whole page like wise with my poster as that image takes up the whole page too. I have also used smaller images within all of my work.
I have used a variety of advertising in my media products. From advertising local sales for Debenhams and advertising news businesses openings like restaurants these are all found in the world of news papers and is an important role. I have Advertised euro star travel and to visit paris, and a trip to new York to be won. These are all local advertisements that will beneficial to audiences and may interest them. I have also stated on my paper and website how to find jobs. On my paper i have stated a page number to go to for lists of jobs and on my site i created a search engine for finding jobs. This is part of advertising and is definitely found in local papers/ websites. The poster i have done is an advertisement its self by advertising paris and putting in images of famous Paris iconography like the Eiffel tower and Arc de Triumph. This is what makes it recognisable for readers and why it will attract them.
I have used many forms in which to advertise Gosport Gazette itself with the 3 media forms.
For my website i turned the headings of sections to be personalised with Gosport Gazette. So i had my headings as: Gazette sports, Gazette jobs, Gazette News, Gazette community, Gazette lifestyle...
I also included in my site a link where if readers were to click on it they could vote for Gosport Gazette being the number one paper in the local area of Gosport and Portsmouth. This is a good way of advertising the company as it would receive reader’s feedback and a way of improving and would hope for positive feedback.
I also included a subscription advertisement, trying to get readers to subscribe to Gosport Gazette for offers and daily news papers delivered to readers doors daily.
On my poster I advertise my company as it states to find out more information about the offer to win a trip to Paris you have to buy a Gosport Gazette or go on the Gosport gazette website.
I also included smaller advertisement techniques on my news paper such as writing the website on the front page.
In conclusion i think my 3 products have been effective and worked well together. I have used many factors where the three link together well by using images, stories, articles, advertisements , style and lay outs.
To improve my 3 products i think i would have advertised the poster to be about a trip to New York to be offered instead of Paris, i think this because on my front cover of my paper i made a banner advertising a trip to New York. The reason i chose to do Paris in the end over New York was because i had better pictures from my trip to Paris than New York and i felt that these pictures would have worked better for my poster.
Evaluation Question 3 answer:
http://www.box.net/shared/zm4bb4k1dhWhat have you learnt from audience feed back?
Audience feed back has been vital through out this whole project. Getting reviews on pieces of work, ideas and improvements has given me great encouragement.
Feedback on my newspaper:
· When i first started my paper, i had difficulty in thinking about what kind of stories to use. Researching local papers gave me an idea, but I didn’t no how to take stories and put it in to context with my paper. I discussed with my teacher that sort of articles we could come up with, after listing a few i printed of a few copies of the lists of story ideas and gave them round my class for them to vote which one they think would work best in my work. They thought the story about government cuts and cutting down bin recycles down was the best story line as it was very current and political.
· I did the same for advertisements, I made a list of advertisements i could put in my paper. My feedback stated that as my news paper was set in December, that i should advertise December sales after Christmas. So i took this on board and made an advertisement about Debenhams having a massive sale.
· When it came to making my paper, my teacher suggested i created a layout first. A rough sketch what i could draw up as guidance for when i make my paper. This really helped as i had clear guidelines to follow, i then did this for my other planning throughout the project.
· I created a advertisement for a trip to new York to be won on my front page. At first i made this very basic, my teacher suggested i made a banner for the advertisement what could represent America. From this i created a banner what showed a mix of red white and blue what blended together. This represented the American flag, and on top of this i placed my image along with text what i put in white. I showed this to some friends, they thought this worked really well and gave my front page stand out. I was really pleased with this and is one of my favourite parts on my page.
Website feedback:
· I got feedback from my teacher when i tried out some sub headings on my website. At first i just had News, Sport, Jobs... but my teacher suggested i linked it to my news paper so i changed it to Gazette news, gazette sport... This was really helpful as it was good to get some improvement feed back. It turned out beneficial as i think it made my page look better and more realistic.
· When talking to some people in my class, i showed them my website and asked what i could do for suggestions. They suggested advertising a subscription to the paper. From this i made a heading at the bottom of the website page stating how readers could subscribe to Gosport Gazette, and from this i placed a jpeg image of my front cover and put it next to the heading.
I found this really helpful as they thought it was something a reader might be interested in and look for, therefore putting a link to a subscriptions show i am thinking of my readers and trying to gain readers.
· I showed my dad my website, he thought it was really good and looked professional. But he thought i could move the stories going down the page in 2 so i could leave room on the right hand side for an advertisement. I agreed with this, as i know how important advertisements are and from looking on real news websites they always have advertisements on the right hand side.
· On the second page of the website, at first i wasn’t sure about my main article. But my friend read and thought it was really good. She thought it linked well in to a local paper and seemed like a releastic and friendly story what is what most stories are about when it comes to a local community. This story highlights close knit communities and shows how my paper makes the community feel neighbourly as the article is about some one dieing in the town.
· When starting my poster i already knew the kind of connotations i would have to include as i was advertising a romantic trip for two to Paris. I found the right font, what my fellow class mates and teacher thought worked really well as it linked to romantic connotations. They also liked the size of the text, as it fitted well in proportion with the image and title of the paper. It was nice to receive some positive feedback, My teacher felt i should have included more colours so i used cherry reds, baby pinks and whites. Again this links to romantic connotations.
· I included some smaller images on my poster what i have slanted and placed around the text, when showing my friend she suggested slightly placing the image behind the text but still being easy to read.
Getting this feed back from my teacher, class mates, friends and dad really helped. The feedback was from a variety of people and ages which was important as it showed my target audience and what worked well. Everyone gave me good feedback and i took it on board in one way or another. I changed or improved any part what i got feed back on as i think feedback is most important as it is from other points of view, not just mine which is what the case would be like for my readers.
I have had significant problems with uploading the audio files, Unfortuently I can not upload them. I have tried but cant seem to get my head round this process as it is too complicated and i am running out of time. I have uploaded my answer to question 3 on badongo.com, as im sure you have already seen the links. I put these links in thinking that if you clicked on it my audio file would play but for some unknown reason it wont or gives you no options of being able to play. I am so disapointed, as i tried really hard to be as creative as possible. So for my answers to Question 2 and question 3, I have written what i spoke about on my voice recording above. Please read my answers, as this is what i have said exactly in my voice recording yet to my regret this did not work.
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