- I had some really good images from mytrip to Paris what would be good to use
- I had previously advertised trips to paris and the euro star on my second website page which shows the link between the three
- I also show that there is an article on mywebsite about Paris, so again there is a link with the poster.
I was thinking of advertising a poster about a trip to New York as i had advertised this trip on the front page of my paper. But i didnt have as good enough images for New York as i did Paris and i thought the theme of Paris is much more romantic and suits adult couples.
When first making my poster i drew up a layout of i was going to design it.

I uploaded the picture in to photoshop to make the the bottom half light and faded. I did this because i wanted to place text at the bottom but originally the bottom of the picture was to dark. So i used a tool on photo shop which lightened the bottom half and then blurred the original part of the picture with the new adapted bottom half which i have just created. This worked really well and looked good. The faded blurred bottom links nicely with the colour of the sky of the picture as the picture was taken at sun set so the fading reflects the sun fading away.
This is what the image looked liked after i photoshopped it:

I then used the same title of my news paper on this poster which will make this recognisable for readers as they will be familiar with the paper, therefore may lead them to be interested in the advertisement of this poster.
I used fancy fonts, which looks romantic and very 'french' like. I did this writing for the rest of the text i wrote on my poster, which makes the Gosport Gazette title stand out more against the other font. I got opinions from my teacher and class on these fonts and colours which they thought really worked well! using soft baby pinks, whites and cherry reds linked to the Paris connotations of romance. Itwas good to get some positive feed back, i am really pleased with the way it looks because i think font and colour plays such an important role in posters.
Now i have perfected my picture, put in my texts along with font and colour i could position them neatly on the page. I added two smaller pictures of famous paris iconography of the Arc De Triumph. I made these pictures small and rotated them so they looked slanted on the page. After discussing with my friends, they thought i should make the pictures fit just behind the text so it looked creative, nicer and still clear to read.
I have now finished my poster, this is the final image:
I think even though this poster is basic, the pictures, fonts and use of colour makes it look really effective and creative. I think the main picture is what makes it stand out, with the bottom half being fadded to lighter shades. The colours work really well, and gives this effect of romance. Im really pleased with this poster and have enjoyed creating it.
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